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A Young Girl, a Young Woman, and a Woman Nearing Sixty

I have some ideas of what I’d like to share here, but I’m just not sure yet how to go about bringing these things to the page. I will likely have to sit with it awhile, returning frequently, trying things out and erasing what doesn’t seem to feel right. Building and scrubbing. Building and scrubbing. Allowing myself to shape the page slowly.

For now, here’s the image I used for the front cover of the looped line version of A Young Girl, a Young Woman, and a Woman Nearing Sixty that was built in March 2013.

(Monday, July 29th, 2013)

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I recently completed a video piece titled to trail behind a reading in which I worked with footage from four performative readings of A Young Girl, a Young Woman, and a Woman Nearing Sixty. These readings were for an audience of birds, and this video relates to the posting reading for ravens here on my website.

The video will be a part of the upcoming issue of the online quarterly Boulderpavement: Arts & Ideas put out by Banff Centre Press. That issue will be launched soon (on October 21st).

(October 4th, 2013)

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I don’t think the Boulderpavement web link is active anymore or at least it wasn’t the last time I checked, so I removed it from this page. However if you wish to view my video, you can check out my post for the piece to trail behind a reading.

(March 18th, 2015)

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I want to acknowledge and thank the Canada Council for the Arts for their support of my process and practice, as I worked to complete the written text for the the piece A Young Girl, a Young Woman, and a Woman Nearing Sixty and to work through the complexities of developing the performative bookwork’s overall form.

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